A program for Reversing of string

  Reversing of string


        In this example, we will understand to do reverse a string in C? What is string reverse function in C? How can you reverse a string? and know how to write, compile and debug it in C language and also learn how to implement it in c.

In order to do this you will need
  • Basic knowledge of c programming language.
  • As well as know how to operate codeblocks.                                                                                                                               

     C does not support strings as a data type.It allows us to represent strings as character arrays.A string variable is any valid C variable name and is always  declared as an array of characters.

The general form of declaration of string variable:
char string_name[size];

Which function is used to reverse a string?
strrev() function:

This function reverse the given string and stores itself.


So let's begin with our program

1.Open a codeblocks software.

2.Open new empty file.

3.Copy and paste the code from below. 

A program for Reversing of string,string,c programming language,basic code,c programming language,2021,basic codes,input output code

Input code- 

//Write a program for Reversing of string.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
   char s[100];

   printf("Enter a string to reverse\n");


   printf("Reverse of the string: %s\n", s);

   return 0;

Now simply build the code. Look for any error. Now run the code.
For output enter any number or character series you want and press enter key

A program for Reversing of string,string,c programming language,basic code,c programming language,2021,basic codes,input output code

Click the following button to download a program for Reversing of string

Thats it.Thank you for scrolling.

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